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Age of Responsibility

At what age an individual is considered ‘responsible’ is another factor to consider when looking at the minimum drinking age. When observing the age restrictions in the United States there are many ages at which an individual gains certain privileges.  At the age of sixteen an individual can obtain a driver’s license.  At the age of eighteen one can enlist in the military, can vote in and on local, state, and federal elections and issues, as well as decide to marry one another.  At the age of twenty-one at individuals are permitted to purchase and consume alcohol.  So at what age can “young people [be] expected to step up and take responsibility for their own actions and become entitled to the privileges of adulthood?” (Robertson) The majority of these ‘adult privileges’ seem to be granted around the age of eighteen. So what makes the privileges of driving and drinking different?  Why is one lower and one higher than the norm?   When looking at the requirements to gain a driver’s license one can see that it is not simply granted.  One must go through and educational course with a trained educator in order to learn about the laws and consequences if those laws are broken. One must also under go training behind the wheel with said instructor to gain practical experience.  This course is completed with a pass or fail written test as well as an evaluation.  If the student does not pass the final test and evaluation then the student must wait until the age of eighteen to gain a driver’s license, which brings the age back to the norm of eighteen.  So when considering the higher drinking age of twenty-one; what purpose does the higher age serve? One could argue that a twenty-one year old would have a higher maturity level but that would be a rather subjective argument. If there is a need for prior education for one adulthood privilege could requiring it for the privilege of drinking solve some of the issues that we are facing today?

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